Highroad Engine v1.3
Classes | Namespaces
MMPlaylist.cs File Reference


struct  MoreMountains.Tools.MMPlaylistPlayEvent
 This class stores all the info related to items in a playlist More...
struct  MoreMountains.Tools.MMPlaylistStopEvent
struct  MoreMountains.Tools.MMPlaylistPauseEvent
struct  MoreMountains.Tools.MMPlaylistPlayNextEvent
struct  MoreMountains.Tools.MMPlaylistPlayPreviousEvent
struct  MoreMountains.Tools.MMPlaylistPlayIndexEvent
class  MoreMountains.Tools.MMPlaylistSong
class  MoreMountains.Tools.MMPlaylist
 Use this class to play audiosources (usually background music but feel free to use that for anything) in sequence, with optional crossfade between songs More...


namespace  MoreMountains
namespace  MoreMountains.Tools